
Showing posts from October, 2015

((Telerik.OpenAccess.OpenAccessContextBase)(this._context)).Connection'threw an exception oftype 'Telerik.OpenAccess.Exceptions.DataStoreException

it might occur if your have added a table in entity designer who does not contain any primary key or related issue. go to entity designer, check your newly inserted table and save.

create a database user in oracle express edition 11g R2 11gb

goto command prompt type sqlplus Enter user-name:   system Enter password:   <password-for-system> Create the user. For example, enter a statement in the following form: SQL> create user chris identified by <password-for-chris> ; Grant the user the necessary privileges. For example: SQL> grant CREATE SESSION, ALTER SESSION, CREATE DATABASE LINK, - CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW, CREATE PROCEDURE, CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM, - CREATE ROLE, CREATE SEQUENCE, CREATE SYNONYM, CREATE TABLE, - CREATE TRIGGER, CREATE TYPE, CREATE VIEW, UNLIMITED TABLESPACE - to chris; Optionally, exit SQL*Plus (which also closes the command window): SQL> exit

forgot oracle xe password

go to command prompt. type sqlplus / as sysdba SQL> alter user system identified by new_password_here;

oracle 11g express edition

landing page

Left Join using linq in telerik entity framework

var result = from p in _context.ParentTable join c1 in _context.ChildTable1 on p.ID equals c1.ID into pc1Table from pc1Join in pc1Table.DefaultIfEmpty() join c2 in _context.ChildTable2 on p.ID equals c2.ID into pc2Table from pc2Join in pc2Table.DefaultIfEmpty() where (c1.columnname == "value1" || c2.columnname == "value2") && p.columnname == "value" select new { pID = p.ID, c1ID = c1.ID, c2ID = c2.ID};

Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 provider is not registered on the local machine

On 64-bit Windows and 64-bit Office (2010, 2013) environments, there are many reports on this error. The fix or workaround is a bit strange but seems to work for most people out there. The " Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable " installation package seems the natural one to use but if it does not work then try second method. Using the " 2007 Office System Driver: Data Connectivity Components " to solve the above problem.